Congratulations to our girls track team for winning the 84 Middle School Conference Meet! This is our 4th girls track region championship in a row!! Go Grove! 👟🏆
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
track team posing with trophy
track team winners
track team winners
track team winners
Mrs. Harris’s 6th grade math classes used the Strawbees from the media center’s makerspace to explore cubes and rectangular prisms! They built their 3D figures out of straws of various lengths, discussed similarities and differences, and calculated volume. #MathInTheLibrary #STEM
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
students building with Strawbees
students building with Strawbees
students building with Strawbees
students building with Strawbees
students building with Strawbees
cubes built out of straws
students building with Strawbees
students building with Strawbees
students building with Strawbees
measuring cubes
Congratulations to our March Students of the Month!! We appreciate your hard work and positive attitudes. 😊 Thank you, Hester & Morris, for providing a delicious lunch for these awesome 6th, 7th, and 8th graders!
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
students of the month - 6th grade
students of the month - 7th grade
students of the month - 8th grade
students of the month - connections
6th grade enjoyed this week’s field trip to the VSU STEAM Center! Students learned about seasons, clouds, and how the Coriolis effect causes wind patterns. They also discussed how Hurricane Idalia impacted our community and weather-related careers. ☁️☀️🌀 #STEM #CommunityPartnerships
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
students doing an experiment with clouds
students surrounding a map
students doing an experiment with a plasma ball
students pretending to be weather reporters
students posing
students using prisms to make rainbows
tour group posing
tour group posing
students doing a science experiment
students pretending to be caught in strong winds
Dr. Clemons was excited to serve as a guest speaker at Dewar Elementary's latest Boys to Vikings meeting. He talked with the students about making good choices and led some fun activities, too. #OneLowndes
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
Dr. Clemons speaking to Boys to Vikings
Dr. Clemons speaking to Boys to Vikings
Dr. Clemons speaking to Boys to Vikings
students playing a game with cups
Help PGM celebrate World Down Syndrome Day by wearing crazy socks TOMORROW - Thursday, March 21. :)
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
flyer about wearing crazy socks for World Down Syndrome Day
Students will return their Chromebook chargers to their homeroom teachers on the morning of Wednesday, March 27. Student Chromebooks will be housed in homeroom carts at night and will not go home again this school year.
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
charger return flyer
PGM Softball Tryouts will be held on Tuesday, April 9th & Wednesday, April 10th from 4:00-6:00 PM at the PGM softball field. Students must have an up-to-date physical on file. They can bring the physical form to the field on the first day of tryouts. 🥎 Here is the link to sign up to try out:
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
flyer for softball tryouts
7th grade science students have been studying ecosystems and biomes. On Friday, they explored the ecosystem in Pine Grove Middle School's own backyard! Students discovered biotic and abiotic factors, how humans have impacted the ecosystem, and how organisms interact with their environment. They also made predictions on what the area might look like in the future! #STEM #OutdoorLearning
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
students investigating the PGM ecosystem
students investigating the PGM ecosystem
students investigating the PGM ecosystem
students investigating the PGM ecosystem
students investigating the PGM ecosystem
students investigating the PGM ecosystem
students investigating the PGM ecosystem
Attention families of 8th graders! The date for the 8th Grade Dance has changed to Friday, May 3. Mark your calendars! More info to come.
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
flyer for the 8th grade dance
Ms. McCormack's class and Mrs. Grantham's 6th grade agriculture students worked together to plant flowers to beautify the sensory playground! 🌸 🌼 #Teamwork
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
students planting flowers
students planting flowers
students planting flowers
students planting flowers
students planting flowers
students planting flowers
Moody AFB hosted PGM students for the Women in Aviation program. Students were able to interact with Air Force pilots, crew members, and support personnel. As an extra special treat, several parents joined us for an on-base picnic before the exhibit! ✈️ #WomenInAviation #FlyLikeAGirl
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
students in plane
students posing with plane
Dr. Clemons and student in plane
students in front of plane
student in plane
student in plane
families at picnic
families at picnic
6th Grade ELA has been working hard on their argumentative pieces about whether students should potentially get paid for good grades or not. 💵Students did research on the topic using databases like Galileo, Gale, and Explora before using Canva to present their claims, evidence, and reasoning in infographic form! #ThreeCs
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
students researching and designing infographics
students researching and designing infographics
students researching and designing infographics
The deadline for purchasing 8th grade tribute ads for this year's yearbook has been extended to Sunday, March 17. See the flyer for details on how to submit your photos and messages. 📷✏️
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
flyer about 8th grade tribute ads
Softball tryouts for the 2024-2025 season will be held on April 9th and 10th from 4 PM - 6 PM. Players must have an up-to-date physical on file in order to try out. 🥎
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
flyer for softball tryouts
✈️ In celebration of Women's History Month and the incredible contributions of women in aviation, PGM was excited to welcome service members from Moody Air Force Base on Tuesday. Inspiring individuals from a variety of careers spoke about their experiences in the military. They answered student questions about their jobs and reasons for joining the Air Force, shared advice they would give their middle school selves, and helped students try on their gear. We’d like to thank all of our MAFB visitors for graciously volunteering their time to come chat with our students and encourage them to break barriers and reach for their dreams! #WomenInAviation #WomensHistoryMonth #CommunityPartnerships
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
student trying on pilot’s helmet
airman talking to students
student trying on gear
student trying on pilot’s helmet
student trying on firefighter gear
machinist looking through library books on aircraft
students eating lunch and talking to airmen
airmen making bookmarks in he library MakerSpace
airmen speaking with students
student wearing gear
2024-2025 Lowndes County Schools’ Middle School Competition Cheer Tryouts March 18-20, 2024 4:00-5:30 PM For rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders Tryouts will be hosted with Lowndes High School Competition Cheer Tryouts For more information and to sign-up for tryouts, scan the QR codes below:
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
QR codes with competition cheerleading information
Mrs. Kiefhaber's ESOL students watched the movie Elemental. They mapped the plot and analyzed characters before creating interview questions for Wade and Ember. Students then took on the roles of the characters to answer questions asked by classmates acting as reporters. Finally, students used Canva to create news articles based on their interviews. What a great way to practice speaking and writing, as well as collaborate and create using technology! #ThreeCs
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
students creating a newspaper article using Canva
students creating a newspaper article using Canva
students creating a newspaper article using Canva
students creating a newspaper article using Canva
students creating a newspaper article using Canva
Pine Grove Middle hosted a chess tournament with Lowndes Middle on Saturday. The morning was a great display of intellect, strategy, and sportsmanship. Congrats to 6th grader Elijah for taking the 2nd place trophy! 🏆♟️#Chess #OneLowndes
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
students playing chess
students playing chess
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners
students playing chess
students playing chess
3D printed chess tournament trophies
Nominations for Teacher of the Year are now open! Parents and community members are welcome to nominate a teacher. The nomination form can be found here:
12 months ago, Pine Grove Middle School
graphic announcing that teacher of the year nominations are now open