Readers are leaders! Mrs. Soldani's class got comfy while reading books of their choice during DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time. 📚😊❤️ #PGMreads

Today Ms. McCormack's life skills students learned about following directions and fractions by making and baking a cake! 🍰

Mrs. Martin’s life science students participated in a gallery walk around our school to compare how parts of a school function like the organelles of a cell! 🏫🧫 #STEM #Analogies

Ms. Sosa’s classes had “Cell-Bucks” day to prepare for their upcoming cell analogy project. Students compared organelles to various elements of a coffee shop while chill music played in the background. 🎶☕️🧫 #STEM

We were happy to host so many families at this week's 6th and 7th grade parent nights! We hope you enjoyed getting to walk your student's academic schedule and learning more about each class. Next up - 8th grade parent night on Tuesday, September 3! ✏️📚💻 #BetterTogether

Exciting News! PGM will have a service dog that we will use as another resource to support students & staff. It will take a few months to train Grover & for him to be here full-time. You may see him as soon as tomorrow, but he will only be w/ adults for foreseeable future Please come see me if you have any concerns.KM

Our 8th grade agriculture class divided and planted snake plants today as part of their Supervised Agriculture Experience. 🐍 🌱 #AgricultureEducation

We’ve got something exciting that combines school spirit with a great cause! "Support Squad" t-shirts are designed to show love for our basketball cheerleading team while raising awareness for breast cancer.
These shirts are available now in our online school store for just $20-$22 (sizes XS to 4XL). Here's the direct link: https://pinegrove.revtrak.net/fundraisers/#/v/breast-cancer-awareness-t-shirt
Don’t miss out—make sure to grab yours by August 31!

Congratulations to our volleyball A team! They beat Valdosta 25-23 and 26-24! They are now 2-0 in region play. 😄🏐

Mrs. Justice's students completed task cards to practice how pronouns are used in different types of sentences. They enjoyed being up and moving around while collaborating! ✏️ #BetterTogether

⭐️Help support PGM Parent Action Team! ⭐️
Get your Hog-N-Bones Boston Butt ticket now! Great idea for Labor Day gatherings, tailgating on Friday nights, football Saturdays, and the holidays. You can pick up the Boston Butt at your convenience at Hog-N-Bones restaurant anytime between now and November 30, 2024. (You must give the restaurant 24 hours notice before pick up.)
Tickets are $40.00 and will be available during our upcoming parent nights (cash only). They will also be available on RevTrak soon! (RevTrak tickets will be delivered to your student during homeroom.)
All funds raised by the Parent Action Team go right back into our school. Supporting our students, teachers, and faculty is their #1 goal!
For questions or concerns, please email pinegrovemiddlepat@gmail or call the front office at (229) 219-3234.

Come join us! 6th Grade Parent Night is TONIGHT (Monday, August 26) and 7th Grade Parent Night is tomorrow night (Tuesday, August 27). Each event will start at 6:00 PM. You will walk your student's schedule with them and learn a bit more about each class. 😊 #BetterTogether

More 6th grade science fun! Ms. Overman's class enjoyed displaying their knowledge of plate tectonics in this lab! 😊 #STEM

6th grade science students are studying plate tectonics and plate boundaries. Students modeled convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries using icing and graham crackers in a yummy lab yesterday! #STEM

Congratulations to our softball team on their 18-3 win over Valdosta yesterday! Go Grove! 🥎

FBLA had a great kick off to the new school year at their ice cream social! 😊🍦 #FutureBusinessLeaders

8th grade science students completed a peer review of each other's CERs (Claim-Evidence-Reasoning paragraphs) using the PQP strategy. They praised their classmates, asked them questions, and suggested ways they could polish their writing. ✏️😊 #BetterTogether

Mrs. Justice's students analyzed advertisements and text message conversations to make inferences today! 😊 #BetterTogether

Our cheerleaders are spreading school spirit with a splash of creativity! Go Vikings, and Go Grove!! 📣🎨😄

We can't leave out our other grade levels! 7th Grade Parent Night will be Tuesday, August 27, and 8th Grade Parent Night will be Tuesday, September 3. Each event will start at 6:00 PM. You will walk your student's schedule with them and learn a bit more about each class. 😊 #BetterTogether